Monday, May 25, 2009

Making a Movie

Today we made a movie to go on our blogs. Our topic was "overcoming an adversity". We only had about half an hour to make it, so, we adopted the KISS principle. This essentially means Keep It Simple Students! Our story line involved basis props that were readily available, these being a door and some students. We drew up the plan on the story board and this made it easy to implement the sequence. The sequence was straight forward (pardon the pun!), and involved each of us going through the door normally with one student demonstrating difficulty opening it.

Essentially we just had two shots each. One showing us approaching the door with the other coming through the door. By keeping the sequence of the film simple the procedure ran fluidly and was relatively easy to put together. For audio effects we selected a modern song that highlighted the title of the film 'The Wrong Way". The best part of all was making up the credits at the end of the film!

You can see the film on this blog post.

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